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What is AI Literacy?

AI Literacy is similar to web literacy. For a touch up of web literacy or learning about web literacy, check out our guide! AI literacy is just as it sounds. Literacy specifically for artificial intelligence. AI is constantly evolving, so that means what makes a person who is AI literate constantly evolving. These are some things, but not limited to all the things, that makes someone AI literate.  

AI Literacy: Know How It Works

Knowing how AI generators work is important because, like most technology, it collects data. It is important to know how that generator is using and processing your data and using that data to make its decisions and making its content for you to consume. AI is not always accurate. If the system is new, it is likely that it will make a lot of mistakes since it is a learn-bases system of statistics. As listed in the disadvantages section, AI has been known to perpetuate discriminatory ideas and practices.

It is important to also know how to formulate, write, and articulate your work for future careers. True, AI generators can help advance what you would already know, but having the fundamentals helps take something from good to great that could lead to bigger payout in the future.


AI Literacy: Become Familiar with How to Ethically Use AI

There are many ways to use AI effectively and ethically if you plan on using them at all. We have given many examples in our guides, but learning yourself and taking the time to educate yourself is also a great way to become an ethical user of this technology. AI and plagiarism and AI and copyright are serious terms when your education and your career are on the line. Making sure that you know when to draw the line is important.  

Western Iowa Tech Community College / 712.274.8733 ext. 1239