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Proposal Formatting Resources
Business Writing for Technical People by Carrie MarshallTechnically-minded people can struggle with business writing and many businesses get it wrong, losing their readers in avalanches of acronyms and jungles of technical jargon. It doesn't have to be that way. In this book you'll discover how to give your communication skills an upgrade, exploring the tips and tricks that will enable you to write effectively and persuasively for any audience. You'll discover how to write for maximum impact and how to make your enthusiasm even more infectious.
ISBN: 9781780174426
Publication Date: 2018-07-06
Smart Skills: Business Writing by Patrick ForsythBook 3 of the Smart Skills series: practical guides to mastering vital business skills and techniques. Using proven strategies from business experts, these essential smart skills can empower anyone with the tools to get ahead. Gain a competitive edge at work with your business writing skills. Effective business writing skills can help you win that million-pound contract, earn a promotion, resolve a dispute or generate a significant increase in business leads. Our Smart Skillsbook offers proven, practical advice on how to put over a clear and impressive message in a style that's deceptively simple and even enjoyable to read. These guidelines will teach you how to: Write and format business reports, proposals or presentations Recognise the dangers of poor writing Write effectively under time pressure Use persuasive techniques and structures Deal with all types of documentation from a "simple" email to a long report Accessibly written, it includes checklists, templatesand exercisesto help you work through even the most basic building blocks of good writing. Business Writing provides an antidote to the dangers of 'gobbledegook' and 'business-speak' and allows you to generate any kind of document with confidence. After reading this guide, your writing will be effective, engaging and memorable- a vital skill for all professionals.
ISBN: 9781787198210
Publication Date: 2018-04-30
Smart Skills: Persuasion by Patrick ForsythBook 6 of the Smart Skills series: practical guides to mastering vital business skills and techniques. Using proven strategies from business experts, these essential smart skills can empower anyone with the tools to get ahead. Maximise your opportunities by mastering the art of persuasion The underappreciated skill of persuasion is vital not just for negotiations, but in every aspect of business life. Taking on more responsibility, motivating your team, getting that big promotion: everything is possible once you've mastered the art of convincing people. By following these simple steps you can learn first how to recognise your power in any professional situation, and then how to harness that power to your advantage. The key persuasive tactics covered in this concise Smart Skills guide include: Mastering persuasive language Personalising your pitch: "the tailored approach" Conveying credibility Handling and overcoming objections Dealing with "maybe" Take advantage of every opportunity, starting today.