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We hope you had a great Spring Break!



Ted X April 11





 We would like to take this time to remind everyone about the TED X event on campus Thursday, April 11th. TED X is an independently ran TED event with multiple speakers. Description of the event is available on the WITCC TED X website.







Thank you for all those who joined in our Bookmark Contest! You can look at the bookmarks at the bookmark contest page.



Women's History Month

Women's History Month started as Women's History Week in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter issued a Presidential proclamation. Congress passed a resolution soon after for the following year (1982) to establish a national celebration. However, Women's History Week could be seen as early as 1978 in Sonoma County California. In 1987, Congress passed a statute that set up the month of March of that year as Women's History Month. Congress passed additional resolutions authorizing the President to proclaim March of each year between 1988 to 1994 to be for Women's history. Each president since then have continued to do so.

Women's History Month celebrates the contributions women have made to the United States. It is to recognize achievements women have made over history in their diverse fields and to lift up women's voices to be heard.  




Developmental Disabilities Month

This month (and all months), the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) raise awareness for the inclusion of people with disabilities and to bring awareness of barriers that people of disabilities still face while connecting and partaking in the communities in which they live in. This month is to highlight how communities with all different abilities can come together and form strong connections and stronger communities. While forming these bonds and creating the awareness, barriers are removed.



National Library Week

First started in 1957, National Library week was put together by the American Library Association (ALA) with libraries across the country to promote library usage and to support local libraries. Countries across the globe have different weeks in which they celebrate libraries, but the idea has spread.

Every year, the ALA has an overreaching theme for the year while each day has a celebratory day.

Monday: Right to Read Day- "a day for readers, advocates, and library lovers to take action to protect, defend, and celebrate the right to read".

Tuesday: National Library Workers Day

Wednesday: National Library Outreach Day- a day dedicated to professionals who are "meeting their patrons where they are"

Thursday: Take Action for Libraries Day- "a day to rally advocates to support libraries".

Check out our display both online and in our library to celebrate National Library Week

Review: Morgan, Library Specialist: If You Tell: A True Story of Murder, Family Secrets, and the Unbreakable Bond of Sisterhood by Gregg Olsen

As someone who has occasionally will watch a true crime series or will listen to a true crime podcast, I have not read very many true crime books. When it comes to seeing something and hearing true events, I find the story more interesting while hearing and seeing than reading. The story generally seems more impactful to me this way. However, I found this book while scrolling through my phone and the story of it (however horrible it may be) sounded so interesting. The story felt much like a movie plot or a mini-drama you would find that you didn't know existed (for the record, there is an episode of a true crime show about this). I needed to know how it ended without even reading a single word of what was inside.  

Michelle "Shelly" Knotek is a parent. A strict parent. But not one of those strict parents where maybe you can see it comes from a place of love or even misplaced love. She just needed the upper hand. Her rules are arbitrary. Her rules compound. Her rules are not equal between her children. She does not make deals. She does not care if someone is sick. She abuses family and non-family alike. Shelly is psychologically and emotionally manipulative. And she is relentless.

Sisters Nikki, Sami, and Tori are in it together. One is the favorite. One has balanced between favoritism and being at the bottom end of Shelly's blows. The other...well. Receives some of the worst. As family, step-fathers, and friends came into this family's life, the more horrible and more fantastical this story seemed to be. Who is actually missing? Who is actually murdered? Is anyone actually cared for deep down? How can something as safe and as comforting as family and love be turned around in these children and then adults' lives? And is when it seems the most real.

I couldn't stop reading. There is so much that happens to these children turned teens turned adults that I needed to know that these people would come out at the end.

Olsen has great writing style in the books that I have read, started to read, or had read samples of. He knows the language that keeps an audience engaged as if this were a novel, but doesn't let you forget that this is a true story.

We do have a copy available on campus if interested.

WITcha reading?

Librarian Morgan is reading:

  • Abandoned Prayers: The Incredible True Story of Murder, Obsession and Amish Secrets by Gregg Olsen
  • The Apothecary Diaries Vol. 3 by Natsu Hyuuga
  • The Apothecary Diaries Vol. 4 by Natsu Hyuuga
Let us know WITcha reading, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!
WITcha recommend? Let us know what books you recommend. You can find recommended books in our books tab!

WITcha Listening To?

What podcasts are you listening to? What are you recommending?

This week's recommendation is from Amanda Heilman, Administrative Program Coordinator. She recommends 'Just Jack & Will with Sean Hayes and Eric McCormack'

The actors who played Jack and Will are back again and host a podcast . Sean Hayes who played Jack and has never seen the show, and Eric McCormack who played Will and "may have seen it too much" talk behind the scenes of the beloved sitcom with cast members and guest stars. 

Let us know WITcha listening, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!

 It was nice chatting with you! We would love to see you in our next blog where we will have:

  • Nerd Week/ Guest

See you then!