Happy Second Summer, everyone! 

We have some news before we get to the fun things! 

Make friendship bracelets with us 9/18 and 9/19

Don't forget that we have guides on research help and Library help!

It may have felt like Fall not too long ago, but don't forget! Halloween will be around the corner before you know it! We will have our Halloween Costume Contest on Thursday, October 31st! Don't be late! 

WITcha Reading?

Are you reading anything fun? Let us know!

WITcha Listening to?

Are you listening to anything world changing? Let us know!

Did You Know?…and Other Fun Holidays

September 1st- National Forgiveness Day
September 2nd- National Hummingbird Day
September 6th- National Read a Book Day
September 7th- National New Hampshire Day
New Hampshire was the 7th state. Did you know?…The first restaurant to claim the word “chicken tenders” was in Manchester, NH? The first potato grown in the United States was in New Hampshire in 1719. 
September 8th- National Star Trek Day
Star Trek broadcasted their first episode “The Man Trap” on September 8, 1966. Did you know?…Since then, the franchise expands twelve television series that equal out to 930 episodes and 48 seasons in total? 
September 10th- National Swap Ideas Day
September 14th- National Virginia Day
The 10th state is Virginia. Did you know… Virginia handles about 70% of the world's internet traffic by using massive data centers. 
September 16- National Play-Doh Day
Did you know…The brand Play-Doh was first manufactured by a soap manufacturer in Cincinnati, Ohio and marketed as wallpaper cleaner?
September 19th- Talk like a Pirate Day
September 22nd- Hobbit Day
Today is the birthday of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins! Happy birthday! 
September 25th- National One-Hit Wonder Day
September 26th- National Dumpling Day
Dumplings are described in a wide variety of ways depending on the culture in which they are coming from. Whichever the case, they are delicious! Make sure to have some on this day.
September 28th- National North Carolina Day
North Carolina is the 12th state. Did you know?…the pirate Blackbeard called North Carolina his home and the first gold nugget was first found in NC about eighty years after Blackbeard had died. 
September 28th- National Ghost Hunting Day
September 30th- National Chewing Gum Day
Did you know?…Chewing gum has been available in many forms for many, many years. Some evidence have been discovered as far back as the Neolithic period as well as seeing forms in the Mayans, Aztecs, and Ancient Greece civilizations.