Welcome to Our Library Blog


Women's History Month is upon us! Join us in celebrating women by stopping in and checking out our book display or viewing our Books On Display page.


Ramadan Mubarak to all those who are partaking in Ramadan next week. May you have a blessed and generous month.

A crochet avacado holding a sign saying




Our Emotional Support Pickle has a new friend just in time for midterms! They as well as everyone here in the Library and WITCC wish you the best of luck on your midterms and the healthiest spring break.








A reminder: The Campus and Library will be closed March 11th and 12th for Staff Development.

Campus will also be closed Friday, March 15th. The Library will be closed Sunday, March 17th.


WITcha reading?

Librarian Morgan is reading

  • The Apothecary Diaries Vol. 1 by Natsu Hyuga
  • The Apothecary Diaries Vol. 2 by Natsu Hyuga
  • A Power Unbound by Frey Marske
  • Heaven Official's Blessing Vol. 2 by Mo Xiang Ton Xiu


Our Workstudy is reading:

  • Evil Boys by Clarissa Wild
Let us know WITcha reading, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!
WITcha recommend? Let us know what books you recommend. You can find recommended books in our books tab!

WITcha Listening To?

What podcasts are you listening to? What are you recommending?

This week's recommendation is from our workstudy! She recommends "Two Hot Takes" by Morgan Absher. Morgan and her team rummage through Reddit and listener write-ins and give their hot takes on various topics. 

Let us know WITcha listening, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!

Did you know...? And Other Fun Holidays Worth Celebrating

March 1st- Self-Injury Awareness Day

Please know that we think you are amazing. You are wonderful. You are powerful. If you feel that you need to talk to someone, there are people more than willing to spend the time to listen. Counseling on campus is confidential and have experience talking through a variety of topics. You can find more about them on their website.

Suicide Hotline- 988

Siouxland Health Center- 712.252.3871

Safe Place, Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Services- 712.258.7233

Campus Safety- 712.274.6414

Crisis Text Line- 741741

The Trevor Project- 678-678


March 4- National Grammar Day

Is it... it's or its? Their or their? Whom or who...?

Whichever is the case, the grammar lovers are celebrating today!

March 6th- National Dentist's Day

You don't need to tell us if you are flossing everyday in order to thank your dentist...or even say 'hello' to our dental students!


March 8th- National Oregon Day

Admitted to the Union on February 14th, 1859, Oregon is the 33rd state. Located in the Siskiyou National Forest, this state has the world's only Big Foot Trap. Do you believe in the well known Sasquatch?

March 9th- National Barbie Day

Introduced on this day in 1959, this year Barbie will be turning 65. Happy birthday, Barbie!

March 12th- National Girl Scouts Day

Girl Scouts of America was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 on this day. As they say on the Girl Scout's website, it was "at a time when women in the United States couldn't yet vote and were expected to stick to strict social norms, encouraging girls to embrace their unique strengths and create their own opportunities was game changing". Did you know...to this day, a troop with just a single girl is called a 'Juliette'?

March 14th National Write Down Your Story Day

We have a variety of autobiographies in our collection to celebrate today! Don't forget to take time an reflect on your own story and journey as well. We believe in you and your journey you are on!

March 14th- National Pi Day

3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.... or my favorite pie is apple.

March 17th- St. Patrick's Day

This British born Saint of folklore and legend is the basis of this holiday.

March 18th- National Awkward Moments Day

No need to stay awake thinking about the "why did I do that?" thoughts tonight. You have our permission to embrace the awkward moments and hopefully be able to shrug them off today.

March 21st- World Poetry Day

Our catalog has many poetry collections to choose from in anticipation for this day.

Love poems? Poems about the world? Heck! Make your own poem today! No experience needed.

March 25th- Tolkien Reading Day

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born January 3rd 1892. Of course, any avid fan would recognize that March 25th would be the day that the Ring was destroyed. Don't believe us? Well, you'll have to check out the Lord of the Rings series in our Collection then.

March 27th- World Theater Day

"All the world's a stage/ And all the women and women merely players"- William Shakespeare.

March 29th Nevada Day

Nevada is the 36th state after it's introduction to the Union on October 31st, 1864. Did you know...That Nevada was the second of two states to be added during the Civil War?

March 31st- International Transgender Day of Visibility Day

Today is a day to be informed, to listen, and to celebrate the voices that should be amplified today as we grow to understand our neighbors in society and become better people in return.

 It was nice chatting with you! As it will be Spring Break next week, we will take our monthly week off next week. We will see you the following week.

See you then!