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Academic Workshop Descriptions: Home

Top Student Tips

Effective Note Taking

Taking good notes is crucial to success as a student, but most students don't take notes effectively. This workshop will show you the different ways of taking notes so you can practice and figure out what works best for you. 

Reading for Learning

Reading for learning is a difficult skill. If you find yourself re-reading often or being unable to remember what you've just read, this workshop will teach you ways to engage better with your class readings. Being a better reader makes you a better note taker and a better test taker. 

Managing Test Anxiety

Many students have anxiety about test taking, but for some students, this anxiety is overwhelming and can have negative impacts on their test grades. This workshop will give you strategies to use when taking tests so you can be calmer and better focused.

Using Library Resources

There are so many resources available in the library, but many students don't know what's available. This workshop will show you all the things available and demonstrate how they can help you in your classes. We have books and databases, but also a number of things to help you get ready for the work in your classes and programs. 

Mindset and Motivation

Academic Mindset and Motivation

Your mindset and motivation play a critical role in academic success, but sometimes it's really hard to stay motivated. In this workshop we will talk about growing and maintaining a growth mindset and identify ways to enhance our motivation. 

Attendance is not Participation

Showing up to class is not participation. In this session we seek to understand the value of class participation, how teachers perceive your participation, how to participate, how to do it better, and different ways of participating in classes. 

Difficult Classroom Conversations

Classroom conversations can be challenging, and some class conversations are more challenging than others. Sometimes it can be challenging to remain engaged and motivated when you feel challenged, unheard, and unimportant in class. In this session we will workshop how to handle difficult conversations so we can engage with classes and classmates in a way that is positive and adds to the learning collective. 

Learning While Neurodivergent

Neurodivergence. Atypical. Different. It's estimated that 1 in 7 people have some kind of neuro difference. In this session we will learn how these divergences can impact learning and workshop strategies for success. 

Western Iowa Tech Community College / 712.274.8733 ext. 1239