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Resources for Student Athletes: Home


Your unique skills and experiences as athletes can be a powerful asset in your academic journey. Your discipline, strategic thinking, and teamwork—qualities honed on the field or court—are invaluable and can guide you through your coursework and projects. Embrace the problem-solving and leadership skills you've developed through sports to excel in your studies and beyond.

There are a variety of complex issues that are worth researching, including the mental health challenges athletes encounter due to intense pressures, the influence of commercialization on the integrity of the game, compensation of collegiate athletes, athletes using their platform to protest, challenges international athletes face, and so many more. Do not be afraid to embrace topics and ideas that stretch into your other interests and passions. Looking for a way to bring sports into a class? Some things are old and boring - everyone knows that healthy eating and working out are important. How can you take that and turn it into something new and interesting?  Additionally, exploring issues of diversity and inclusion, such as gender pay equity and LGBTQIA+ issues can reveal much about how sports evolve and strive for greater equality

Remember, the same drive and focus that lead you to success in athletics can also fuel your academic achievements. Lean into your strengths and let your athletic expertise shape your approach to your work. We’re confident that your dedication will shine through in every aspect of your college experience.

Diverse Reads

We love that the WITCC campus is alive with diverse voices, faces, and perspectives and library staff want to make sure everyone is reflected. Check out this page to see some of what we have! We want to know if you can't find something that speaks to you!!! Please send us suggestions of authors, cultures, or groups to include.

One of the best way to affirm your own culture and mindset or learn about others is to read books written by people who belong to those groups.

Check out this page to see what we've curated for you. 

Resource Guide

A guide to connect you to community resources, people, churches, and more is COMING SOON! In the meantime, connect with library staff if there's something you need!

Western Iowa Tech Community College / 712.274.8733 ext. 1239