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Happy Geeky, Nerdy Friday, everyone!

Books or movies? This is the theme of this blog post today.

Which do you prefer? Do you like to read the book before seeing the movie or would you watch the movie straight on?

Choose your favorite by either clicking this link or by scanning the QR code below.


We will be making an events page soon. Please check back when it is live to see and reminisce with us the events that we have put on throughout these last two semesters!


The Library -partnered with and along side of many departments- will be doing end of semester stress relief events in the next few weeks leading up to finals week. Dates, events, and times are still being decided. Please check our website, the WIT website, and WIT socials for updates.

Nerd Blogger: Morgan, Library Specialist: "Books or Movies"

There are very few things in life that are better than going to the movies. Or reading a good book, for that matter. The imagination they conjure you takes you away to a new place. Both set the scene differently. Both have their own set of rules. Both do a job that seem almost opposite of each other.

When I am asked the dreaded question: "Books or movies?" I have to pause. How can I compare the two? How can I compare something so limited on the screen to something so limitless as my imagination. And how can that be fair?

When I answer the question, I usually feel like I am copping out. It feels like a non-answer. A real book-lover would say books win. A real movie-goer would say the same for movies. But the answer almost always fits between the two. There are no winners in adaptation.

Movies are limited to the technology and the budget of the studio. The book is filtered through a script, through the studio, through the actor, through the camera, through the director, through the editor, through the music, and then (finally) through the viewer. Directors have to meet a deadline and appease their studios in whatever direction that may take them. Books are limited by publication and filtered by the editor and by the reader. My imagination is a streamlined event, constantly moving and churning.

Have I watched movies that were great adaptations to the big screen? Absolutely. One of these days, I'll do a post about how Twilight was perfect and, no, I won't take questions at the end. Have I watched adaptations that were less successful in translation? Yes. But they still made pretty decent stand alone movies.

The phrase that comes to mind is "you can't please everybody". In this case, it is true. You really can't. But you shouldn't compare two. Sometimes movies and books are like eyebrows...sisters or even cousins in the same universe.

WITcha reading?

Let us know WITcha reading, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!

Librarian Morgan is reading:

  • Heaven Official's Blessing Vol. 3 by Mo Xiang Ton Xiu
  • The Duke and I: Bridgerton Book 1 by Julia Quinn


WITcha recommend? Let us know what books you recommend. You can find recommended books in our books tab!

WITcha Listening To?

What podcasts are you listening to? What are you recommending?

Let us know WITcha listening, WITCC by emailing the library at library@witcc.edu and let us know if we can put you in our Blog!

Want to Know What's on Display?

Don't forget to stop by our books display webpage for our display books. 

Thank you for relaxing with us!


We hope to see you again next week!


See you then